1-hydroxybenzotriazole-6-carboxamidopropyl silica gel (SPE Tubes 500mg, 4mL)


Si-HOBt and Cellulose-HOBt are utilized for the formation of immobilized activated ester and sulfonate ester reagents for the facile formation of amides and sulfonamides, respectively. Immobilized HOBt is quite suitable for combinatorial synthesis applications.


1-hydroxybenzotriazole-6-carboxamidopropyl silica gel (SPE Tubes 500mg, 4mL)

Description: Solid-Phase coupling agent for amide and sulfonamide formation
Base Silica Description: 50 micron particle size, 60A pore size
HOBt Substitution: 0.40-0.60 mmole/g resin
Catalog #: H 1002
CAS #: 1312158-81-8
Chemical Formula: N/A
Molecular Weight: N/A
Purity: N/A

Additional information


10/pk, 50/pk